The magician introduces a tall frame-like structure with a number of restraint belts and a wrist and neck stock attached. The magician's assistant is strapped into the medieval looking device. The stock is lastly placed around the assistant's neck and hands. Attached to the frame top is a curtain. The magician pulls the curtain around the illusion with one continuous circular motion. But wait, it is no longer the magician pulling the curtain, but now it is the assistant! She continues to pull the curtain open and the magician is the one restrained in the frame! The assistant and magician have instantly changed places.
Some have attributed this effect to Walter Gibson, but the first mention or this effect may be in THE ART OF ILLUSION book by Will Ayling, and submitted to the book by the inventor of the Zig Zag illusion himself, the late Robert Harbin. Our version of the illusion features many improvements that enhance mobility, ease of performance, and practical set-up and teardown capability. We are indebted to illusion mechanic Bill Stelzenmuller of North Carolina who innovated the circular wheel track curtain. This improvement alone makes it incredibly easy for the magician and his assistant to pull the curtain around during performance. In addition to the curtain, the illusion is comprised of three main components; the top, the base, and the upright rectangular structure. These components easily come apart so the illusion packs flat. All components are Formica laminated, and polished metal trim and T-molding complete the illusion's attractiveness. $6500 FOB.
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